Garo Garabedyan's Divergent Thinking Blog

Job interview tips

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I would like to share a few interesting tips I have discovered and came around during the several meetings I have attended and prepared for. Hope that they are useful. Please note that I am not a human resources professional but even if I was do not blindly follow advises about an important part of your career.

  1. Help interviewers picture you fitting the team. Wear the clothes for everyday work. The interviewers will try to picture you as part of the team. In case you can choose where to sit, try to take such place that all participants can see you without any extra effort. People who do not see you will have a more blur image of you.
  2. Be aware how your mind works: people like people like them. Interviewers who pretend that are tired at the end of the day are actually trying to trick you believing that they are like you with the aim to make you like them. When you go to many interviews you will meet a lot of new people and will be tired at the end of the day and this is something interviewers are aware of. People who feel bad, sick or tired are supposed to report to their boss who to replace them or cancel the meeting-this is something human resources experts and team leaders must know as part of their everyday duties.
  3. Release responsibility for areas outside of your control, including unforeseen circumstances. Activities rarely go exactly according to plan and often times, no possible scenario could make everyone happy. Your career decisions are yours only. Do not be trapped in trying to help someone else by changing your wishes because this is a defining example of manipulation when you are forced by your emotions triggered by irrelevant circumstances to take a calculated by the manipulator and mostly against your interests step.
  4. You are free to ask for a glass of water in the beginning of the interview as some websites advise. You can win some time for thinking about a tuff question by drinking water. But drinking water is not a solution for avoiding an interview question. Do not overreact with this. If you somehow skip the troubling question prepare for it because someone else can ask you the same question.
  5. Do not underestimate small-sized companies. They can offer you practical knowledge about clients’ expectations. The IT market like many other markets is very competitive and most of the clients are not motivated to make an extra effort in giving feedback in case they can easily migrate to other vendor which satisfies their needs. Clients are motivated to provide feedback about weak or lack of any features and this feedback is not a guarantee that there is a business potential in implementing the missing feature. Very few clients are motivated to recommend a particular feature of a product they are using.
  6. When leaving your current job make sure you have finished all tasks assigned to you and related to you in order to not make your colleagues feel bad that must do your work.

Written by garabedyan

September 7, 2012 at 19:39

Posted in Uncategorized

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